
Today was like our Friday which reminds me how my sister thought today was Friday it all started when I woke her up and said I’m so happy it’s our last day of school for this week. She had said I’m so glad it’s Friday, I said no it’s not it’s Thursday. I finally talked her into that it was Thursday but also during fifth hour I got to leave with my friend to mrs.cornwells class and eat ice cream it was pretty fun.

Solc Tuesday

today I didn’t go to school because I didn’t feel good I had stomach ache. I felt better by 5 so I got bigby which is very good. I was excited to an extent about not going because I got a day off of school but I’m not excited about the homework coming.


Finally the weekend it felt like the longest week ever. Today we hung out with my moms side of the family to celebrate my sisters birthday. It was pretty fun I watched Yale and duke play and they had a pretty close game. Right now I’m watching indiana and Kentucky and I have really hope Indiana wins which they will. Right now it’s 71-67 Indiana so I still have one team I want to win. I always want Kansas to win but I will have to see.

Solc friday

Today is my sisters birthday, I love my sister can be a pain. I did almost everything for her. I guess she deserves it she turned 16 which is very old (she’s like 80).  I’m upset state lost but I guess now I’ll cheer for indiana I just hope they win.

Solc Thursday

Today was st.patricks day luckily I wore green because some my friends got pinched so bad they got bruises. I felt really bad but anyway I didn’t have the best day, I just felt terrible all day and I finally finished my bracket and I chose pretty much all the underdogs but I might have a good bracket.


Today was a pretty good day I don’t do much but I did make a bracket and I kinda just guess but I guess it was fun. I don’t really watch basketball it was fun. Most of the time for weekdays I just relax and that’s pretty much what  I did.

Solc Tuesday

This poem is anonymous but it describes my Tuesday to a point

I am not a graceful person, I am not a Sunday morning or a Friday sunset, I am a Tuesday 2am, I am gunshots muffled but a few city blocks, I am a broken window during February. My bones crack on a nightly basis, I fall from elegance with a dull thud, and I apologize for my awkward sadness. I sometimes believe that I don’t belong around people, that I belong to all the leap days that didn’t happen. The way light and darkness mix under my ski has become a storm, you don’t see the Lightning, but you hear the echoes.